The Rains are Here!


I love the sound of rain. Long-lasting rains. Rain that comes at 10PM. The tiny drops of water falling on the roof of hopeful souls and creatures of the earth.It makes me prepare tea at midnight or make chicken soup and add excess black pepper. An urge to hide deeper in my blankets and get a nice and good sleep, fantasizing about a happy life. That feeling that makes you want to fall in love again with someone’s child and make babies under the rattling sound of the raindrops on the corrugated iron sheets.

It brings new energy, a positive vibe of kick-ass kinda mood. Energetic. Power to move around the house after a long tiring and lazy day. The rains come with life, plants sprouting from the ground, those seeds that were swallowed by creatures and went through acidity and later pooped on the soil. It is their time and we cannot stop it. The dried up bushes and grasslands are now smiling and adding beauty to the landscape. Animals have changed diet and are now having a 3-course- menu. The aquatic life have to change their wardrobe. It is a new life!

Lately, the world has been operating on a low battery, probably at 5% and there is no electricity for a while now. Lights went off when the world shut. Chapters were closed. People started a new page of life of uncertainty, anxiety, frustration, despair leading to stressful days and disappointed nights and suicidal thoughts. Families worry about how to put a plate on the table, street children sleeping hungry because there are no people in the cities to give them a coin and left-overs. Children wondering why they cannot play outside, leave alone going to visit their best friends. Men wondering why their world only revolved around football and forgot to measure the curves on their beautiful women. Bills and salaries need to be paid. No one knows about tomorrow. Somehow, life has to move on despite the hard times. It has not been easy. Others have had it differently- taking a moment to breathe, relax, exercise, bond or even reflect and take a step back and realize how many things we took for granted as well as how screwed up our lives have been.

Early morning alarms. Traffic jam. Rush. Stress. Anger. Sleepless nights. These are our cups of tea every day. Not sure if there is anyone who escaped this melodrama of life. It is part of us. There was so much happening and life got the worst of us. We forgot how to just breath. Every day brought it’s own doze of worries. From stressful work or school to being stuck in traffic and not eating so well then sleeping wondering if we will hear the alarm the next day.


Drops. Water. Rain drops. A powerful force that came like beautiful birds perching on us; singing tunes without words that only our souls can understand. Less we forget, nature will always be beautiful despite of everything that happens around us: That we should take one day at a time. The force that rings hope in our minds and assurance of a better tomorrow. Just like we do not know when the rain will start or stop, is a great reminder that we can only control so much that happens in our lives and environments.

If the rains get too heavy and result into a storm, i hope that we will be grounded: That we will have an anchor to support us at the shore. That our houses will not come crumbling on our heads.Supernatural umbrellas will cover us from the pain of heavy drops. That the rains will not sweep away our livelihoods and dilute our faith and hope in what we believe in. It may not be a walk in the park with beautiful roses but one thing for sure is that, there will always be an end to everything. There will be light at the end of the tunnel and a birth to a new baby after all the challenges of the pregnancy that we are carrying. No one knows how this rain baby will look like but at least we know the gestation period is definite.

We have a choice, to sit on the bench and watch the beauty of rain from the window and inhale the sweet aroma from the ground, hug our loved ones with love and warm kisses on the couch, go out there and dance in the rains. Take a moment to watch the drops as they hit the ground and bounce back with beauty and triumph. We also have a choice to just sit and feel cold and shiver; whine about how we cannot see the sun. How the mountains are not visible from the bench and how we cannot see the other side of our cities. I hope that you will choose wisely.

90 Cozy Rooms You'll Never Want To Leave! - Loombrand

The rain will come and go. Very soon,we shall arise!

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